9.3. Cloud nodes

Cloud Nodes - instances in the Cloud that were launched via the Cloud-account of the Cloud Pipeline platform's deployment but not related to the platform directly.
Most of these are different cloud instances for additional services.
You can view Cloud Nodes using a separate tab on the Cluster State page - CLOUD NODES tab.

To view CLOUD NODES tab you need to have the ROLE_ADMIN role. For more information see 13. Permissions.


Tab contains the list of Cloud Nodes with the following info:

  • Name - node name
  • Labels - list of metadata tag values associated with the node
  • Addresses - IP-address and ID of the node
  • Created - date and time of the node creation

Table data at this tab can be sorted and filtered - similar to the main nodes table.

To view node details, click the node row in the list. Node details page will be opened, e.g.:

Details page contains two tables:

  • Addresses - IP-address and ID of the node
  • Labels - list of metadata tags associated with the node

Cloud Nodes are visible at the ALL NODES tab of the Cluster State page as well:

At this tab, Cloud Nodes are highlighted by grey and have additional cloud icon (CP_CloudNodes).

Cluster Node termination

By default, there is no ability to terminate Cloud Nodes from the UI - there are no corresponding buttons in their rows.
But that behavior can be changed - via the special System Preference ui.standalone.nodes.allow.terminate.
This preference allows to manage the availability of the Cluster Nodes termination. Default value of the preference - disabled.

To enable Cluster Nodes termination from UI, you shall:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Find ui.standalone.nodes.allow.terminate preference and tick its checkbox:
  3. Save changes.
  4. After, Cloud Nodes will become available for selection and termination:
  5. And at the ALL NODES tab as well: