Direct HTTP calls via curl

Cloud Pipeline's HTTP/REST API can be also consumed directly. From any language/framework.

Here we show to implement the Usage scenario using the curl command to query the API.

All available HTTP/REST API methods are listed in the Cloud Pipeline Swagger UI (available as https://<host>/pipeline/restapi/swagger-ui.html)

In this particular example script, which is listed below, the following API calls are performed:

  • GET /datastorage/find to find the ID of the "WORKDIR" S3 bucket
  • POST /datastorage/tempCredentials/ to get the access token to the "WORKDIR" S3 bucket, which can passed to the AWS SDK for the data transfer
  • POST /pipeline/run to submit a job to the Cloud Pipeline compute environment
  • GET /pipeline/run to get the running job status and wait for the completion

# Setup the parameters
# Cloud Pipeline API entrypoint, e.g. https://<host>/pipeline
#   Shall be generated in the Cloud Pipeline GUI -> Settings -> CLI -> Generate access key

# Data location:
#   S3 bucket, that is going to be used as a "working directory"
#   Local fastq files and processing results will uploaded there
#   Example value: s3://my_bucket/workdir
# Path to a local directory, that holds the FASTQ files for processing
# E.g. ~/tiny-fastq
# Path to the cellranger transcriptome
# It shall be located in the S3 bucket already
# In this example we use the "tiny" reference, which is only 300Mb and allows to debug jobs quickly
# Path to the S3 location, that will hold the data processing results

# Job parameters:
#   The docker image, which holds a cellranger binary and environment
#   The size of the machine, that is going to process the data
#   If it's not set - the default hardware for the $DOCKER_IMAGE is going to used
#   The size of disk volume in Gb, that will be attached to the machine defined by $INSTANCE_TYPE
#   If it's not set - the default hardware for the $DOCKER_IMAGE is going to used

# Get the S3 working directory bucket ID
BUCKET_NAME=$(cut -d/ -f 3 <<< $WORKDIR)
RESPONSE=$(curl -ks -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" "$API_URL/restapi/datastorage/find?id=$BUCKET_NAME")
BUCKET_ID=$(jq -r "" <<< $RESPONSE)

# Get the S3 working directory bucket access token by it's ID
RESPONSE=$(curl -ks -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d "[
                \"id\": $BUCKET_ID,
                \"read\": true,
                \"write\": true
            ]" "$API_URL/restapi/datastorage/tempCredentials/")

# The resulting keys, shall be used to configure the AWS SDK for the data transfer
# Here we use AWS CLI SDK, but this will work for any other (e.g. Java/JS/Go/Python/...)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(jq -r '.payload.keyID' <<< $RESPONSE)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(jq -r '.payload.accessKey' <<< $RESPONSE)
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(jq -r '.payload.token' <<< $RESPONSE)

# Transfer the local fastq files to the S3 working directory using the direct call to AWS SDK
# Files will be uploaded to e.g. "s3://my_bucket/workdir/fastq/tiny-fastq/"
FASTQS_S3="$WORKDIR/fastq/$(basename $FASTQS)"
aws s3 cp "$FASTQS" "$FASTQS_S3/" --recursive

# Run processing
RESPONSE=$(curl -ks -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d "{
            \"cmdTemplate\": \"cellranger count --id cloud-cellranger --fastqs \$fastqs --transcriptome \$transcriptome\",
            \"dockerImage\": "single-cell/cellranger:latest",
            \"hddSize\": $INSTANCE_DISK,
            \"instanceType\": \"$INSTANCE_TYPE\",
            \"params\": {
                    \"fastqs\": {
                        \"type\": \"input\",
                        \"value\": \"$FASTQS_S3\"
                    \"results\": {
                    \"transcriptome\": {
                        \"type\": \"input\",
                        \"value\": \"$TRANSCRIPTOME_S3\"
            }" "$API_URL/restapi/run")
RUN_ID=$(jq -r "" <<< $RESPONSE)

# Poll the run status each 30s, until it's finished
while [ "$RUN_STATUS" != "SUCCESS" ]; do
    sleep 30
    RESPONSE=$(curl -ks -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" "$API_URL/restapi/run/$RUN_ID")
    RUN_STATUS=$(jq -r ".payload.status" <<< $RESPONSE)