14.8. View tools definitions via CLI

Cloud Pipeline CLI has to be installed. See 14. Command-line interface (CLI).

Via the CLI users can view details of a tool/specific tool version or tools groups.
The general command to perform these operations:

pipe view-tools [OPTIONS]
Options Description
Non-required options
-r / --registry Defines a specific Docker registry
-g / --group Defines a specific tool group in a registry
-t / --tool Defines a specific tool in a tool group
-v / --version Defines a specific version of a tool

Without any arguments that command will output a list of the tools contained in:

  • In a personal tool group
  • If not personal group is available - in the library or default tool group
  • If none of the above is available - a corresponding warning will be printed

Note: If more than one registry exists on the current Cloud Pipeline deployment - Docker registry shall be forcibly specified (-r becomes a mandatory option) or the corresponding error message will be printed.

View a list of groups in the registry

With specifying a Docker registry that command will output a list of tools groups of that registry.
Note: Docker registry shall be specified as <registry_name>:<port>.

pipe view-tools --registry <registry_name>:<port>


View a list of tools in the group

With specifying a tools group that command will output a list of tools in the specific group.
Note: If more than one registry exists in the current Cloud Pipeline deployment - Docker registry shall be also specified.

pipe view-tools [--registry <registry_name>] --group <group_name>


In the example above, the list of tools in user's personal tools group was printed.

View a tool definition

To view a specific tool's definition and the list of tool versions - use the tool name together with its group name.
Note: If more than one registry exists in the current Cloud Pipeline deployment - Docker registry shall be also specified.

pipe view-tools [--registry <registry_name>] --group <group_name> --tool <tool_name>


View tool version's details

To view details of a specific tool version - use the tool name together with the version and the group name.
Note: If more than one registry exists in the current Cloud Pipeline deployment - Docker registry shall be also specified.

pipe view-tools [--registry <registry_name>] --group <group_name> --tool <tool_name> --version <version_name>

Details of a specific tool version contain:

  • tool definition
  • list of the tool version execution settings (if specified)
  • list of the tool version vulnerabilities
  • list of the tool version packages


Using the "path" to view the object

Users also can view definitions via the "path" to the object (registry/group/tool). The "full path" format is: <registry_name>:<port>/<group_name>/<tool_name>:<verion_name>. In that case, the specifying of command options (-r/-g/-t/-v) is not required. So:

  • pipe view-tools <registry_name>:<port> will show a list of tools groups in the specified registry
  • pipe view-tools <registry_name>:<port>/<group_name> will show a list of tools in the specified group
  • pipe view-tools <registry_name>:<port>/<group_name>/<tool_name> will show a definition of the specified tool
  • pipe view-tools <registry_name>:<port>/<group_name>/<tool_name>:<verion_name> will show details of the specified tool version