12.6. Edit a group (role)

User shall have the ROLE_ADMIN role to edit groups/roles.

Edit a group (role)

For edit a group/role:

  1. Open the Groups/Roles subtab in the User management section of the system-level settings.
  2. Find a group (role).
  3. Click the Edit button in the row opposite the group/role name:
  4. Pop-up window will be shown:

At this form, there are several blocks of the settings for a group/role.

Default data storage

Here you can select default data storage for a group/role:

User management

In this block, you can change a members list of the opened group/role:

For more information see 12.8. Change a set of roles/groups for a user.


In this block you can set metadata tags (attributes) for a group. These tags represent key/value pairs, same as pipeline/folder tags. For more information see 17. CP objects tagging by additional attributes.

Launch options


In this block you can specify some restrictions for a group of users/role on allowed instance types, price types, jobs visibility, etc.
To apply configured launch options for a group/role, click CP_EditGroupRole button in the right bottom corner of the pop-up. This action will save all made changes in the group/role settings (not only launch options) and close the pop-up.

Allowed instance count

This setting (Allowed instance max count) allows to restrict the number of instances that members of a particular group/role can run at the same time.
This is useful to address any bugs as the users' scripts may spawn hundreds of machines without a real need.

Note: this restriction is not applied to the users with the ROLE_ADMIN role.

Behavior is configured by the following way: for example, if this setting for the group/role is specified to 5 - then each member of that group/role can launch only 5 jobs simultaneously. This includes worker nodes of the clusters.

If the member of the group/role tries to launch a job, but it exceeds a current limit for members of a such group/role - the warning and errors will be shown.
Imagine that the member of a group has already launched 5 jobs with the set groups's limit also equal 5.
That user starts a new instance (which is going to be a 6th job from this user):

  • GUI will warn the user at the Launch page:
  • GUI will warn the user, before submitting a job:
  • If the user confirms a run operation - it will be rejected:

Similar warnings are shown if the member of that group will try to start a cluster or an autoscaled cluster.
In this case, even if there are some spare slots, but the preparing cluster may exceed it eventually - the corresponding warning will appear. E.g., imagine that member of the group has already launched 3 from 5 allowed jobs and tries to start an autoscaled cluster:

Note: if user has reached the group/role limit, warning will be also shown in case when that user will try to start a new job via pipe CLI. Job will be rejected, e.g.:

Such restrictions could be set not only for a group/role, but on another levels too.
Next hierarchy is set for applying of instances max count (in descending order of priority):

  • User-level - i.e. specified for a user. This overrides any other set limits for a particular user. How to configure see here.
  • User group level - i.e. specified for a group/role. Count of jobs of each member of the group/role is summed and compared to this parameter. If a number of jobs exceeds a limit - the job submission is rejected. How to configure - described above.
  • (global) launch.max.runs.user.global - can be used to set a global default restriction for all the users. I.e. if it set to 5, each Platform user can launch 5 jobs at a maximum. See 12.10. Manage system-level settings for details.

Allowed instance types

Here, there are two settings that can restrict allowed instance types for a specific group/role:

  • Allowed instance types mask - this mask restricts allowed instance types for launching tools, pipelines and configurations (i.e. for any run from the member of this group/role).
    Example of usage: if you want members of the group/role to be able to launch runs with only "m5..." instances types, mask would be m5*:
    In that case, before the member of such group/role will launch any tool/pipeline/configuration, dropdown list of available node types for them will be like this:
  • Allowed tool instance types mask - this mask restricts allowed instance types only for tools' runs.
    This mask has higher priority for launching tool than Allowed instance types mask. I.e. when both masks are set - for the launching tool, Allowed tool instance types mask will be applied.
    Example of usage: if you want members of the group/role to be able to launch tools with only "large m5..." instances types, mask would be m5*.large*:
    In that case, before the member of such group/role will launch any tool, dropdown list of available node types for them will be like this:

Setting restrictions on allowed instance types is a convenient way to minimize a number of invalid configurations' runs.
Such restrictions could be set not only for a group/role, but on another levels too.
Next hierarchy is set for applying of specified allowed instance types (in descending order of priority):

  • User level - i.e. specified for a particular user. How to configure see here.
  • User group level - i.e. specified for a group/role of a particular user. If user is a member of several groups - list of allowed instances will be summarized across all the groups. How to configure - described above.
  • Tool level - i.e. specified for a tool, that a particular user tries to launch. How to configure see 10.5. Launch a Tool.
  • (global) cluster.allowed.instance.types.docker - system preference that defines allowed instance types for tools. See 12.10. Manage system-level settings for details.
  • (global) cluster.allowed.instance.types - system preference that defines allowed instance types for pipelines/tools/configurations. See 12.10. Manage system-level settings for details.

After specifying allowed instance types, all GUI forms that allow to select the list of instance types (configurations/launch forms) - will display only valid instance types, according to hierarchy above.

Allowed price types

This field may restrict, what price types are allowed for users of a specific group/role (for launching any job).

Example of usage: if you want members of the group/role to be able to launch only "On-demand" runs, select it:
In that case, before members of that group/role will launch any run, dropdown list of price types for them will be like this:

Setting restrictions on allowed price types is a convenient way to minimize a number of invalid configurations' runs.
Such restrictions could be set not only for a group/role, but on another levels too.
Next hierarchy is set for applying of specified allowed price types (in descending order of priority):

  • User level - i.e. specified for a particular user. How to configure see here.
  • User group level - i.e. specified for a particular group/role. If user is a member of several groups - list of allowed price types will be summarized across all the groups. How to configure - described above.
  • Tool level - i.e. specified for a tool, that a user tries to launch. How to configure see 10.5. Launch a Tool.

Jobs visibility

This field may restrict the visibility of runs at the Active Runs page for users who are non-owners of these runs.

Note: this restriction is not applied to the users with the ROLE_ADMIN role.

Example of usage: if you want members of a particular group/role to be able to view all pipeline runs (for that pipelines on which members have corresponding permissions), select "Inherit":
Therefore USER4, that is owner of the pipeline, will view all runs of that pipeline, e.g.:

If you want members of a particular group/role to be able to view only own runs, select "Only owner":
Therefore USER4, that is owner of the pipeline, will view only own runs of that pipeline, e.g.:

If this setting is not specified for a group/role - for members of that group/role "Inherit" behavior is applied by default.

Next hierarchy is set for applying of jobs visibility (in descending order of priority):

  • User level - i.e. specified for a user. How to configure see here.
  • Group level - i.e. specified for a group/role - as decribed above.
  • (global) launch.run.visibility - system preference that defines jobs visibility globally. See 12.10. Manage system-level settings for details.

Credentials profiles

In these fields, specific interfaces can be specified for a group/role:

  • Cloud Credentials Profiles - here, specific interfaces can be assigned for members of a particular group/role. Such interfaces allow to use seamless authentication in Cloud Provider services.
    For details and examples see here.
  • Default Credentials Profile - setting allows to select one of Cloud Credentials Profiles assigned to members of a particular group/role as the default profile.
    For details and examples see here.

Possibility to revert changes

In certain cases, there could be convenient to undo all changes in a group/role profile when modifying it - without closing the form.

The admin has such ability:

  • open the User management tab and then the Groups/Roles tab
  • select the desired group to modify, click the Edit button to open the popup with the group's settings
  • edit some settings
  • if needed to revert done changes - click the REVERT button at the bottom of the form (Note: it's possible only before saving!):
  • all done unsaved changes are reverted. The REVERT button becomes disabled:

Note: in such way all unsaved changes of user settings could be reverted - Default data storage, Users list, Attributes and Launch options.

Block/unblock a group

To block a group:

  1. Open the Groups subtab at the User management section of the system-level settings.
  2. Click the Edit button next to the group's name.
    Note: system groups are created by the SSO authentication system automatically and can not be found here.
  3. Pop-up with the group settings will be opened.
  4. Click the BLOCK button in the left bottom corner:
  5. Confirm the blocking:

To unblock a group:

  1. Open the Groups subtab at the User management section of the system-level settings.
  2. Click the Edit button next to the blocked group:
  3. Pop-up with the group settings will be opened.
  4. Click the UNBLOCK button in the left bottom corner:
  5. Confirm the unblocking: