Cloud Pipeline - Manual

1. Quick start
This chapter will give you a basic knowledge of pipeline running procedure.

2. Getting started
Find Thesaurus, list of supported browsers and authentication details.

3. Overview
Get familiar with a Cloud Pipeline Graphical User Interface (GUI).

4. Manage Folder
Learn how you can create your own hierarchical structured space.

5. Manage Metadata
Learn how you can create a complex analysis environment using custom data entities.

6. Manage Pipeline
Get details on pipeline creation, configuration, and launching. Get descriptions of "Launch pipeline" page. There is also a description of graphical "Pipeline builder" for WDL pipelines.

7. Manage Detached configuration
Learn how to run a cluster of differently configurated instances. "Launch cluster" box vs LaunchofClusterconfiguration.

8. Manage Data Storage
Create a new storage and learn how to manage it: download and upload, copy, move data, delete and unregister storages.

9. Manage Cluster Nodes
Learn about active nodes, how to terminate and refresh them. Get familiar with a related dashboard.

10. Manage Tools
Add and edit Docker registry. Learn how to add, modify and launch Tools.

11. Manage Runs
Learn about Runs space and what information you can get from it.

12. Manage Settings
Here you can find information about: how to install CLI, add a new system event, managing roles.

13. Permissions
Learn how to manage permissions for Cloud Pipeline objects.

14. Command-line interface (CLI)
Get familiar with a Cloud Pipeline Command Line Interface (CLI).

15. Interactive services
Learn how to setup non-batch application in a cloud infrastructure and access it via a web interface.

16. Issues
Learn how to share results with other users or get feedback.

17. CP objects tagging by additional attributes
Learn how to manage custom sets of "key-values" attributes for data storage and files.

18. Home page
Get details about homepage widgets, how to configure homepage view.

19. Global search How to search objects over the Platform.

Appendix A. Instance and Docker container lifecycles
Learn basics about instance and Docker container lifecycle.

Appendix B. Working with a Project
Learn basics about working with a Project.

Appendix C. Working with autoscaled cluster runs
Learn basics about working with autoscaled cluster runs.

Appendix D. Costs management
Get details about costs management concept.

Appendix E. Pipeline objects concept
Get details about the Pipeline objects concept in Cloud Pipeline environment.

Appendix F. Сomparison of using different FS storage types
Get details about the comparison of using different FS storage types (FSx for Lustre / EFS in AWS / BTRFS on EBS / LizardFS on EBS) in Cloud Pipeline environment.