Automatic actions with runs

In this section, let's consider the configurable behavior of automatic actions/notifications for the launched runs that are being in "idle", "under pressure" or "network pressure" state for a long time.

The following view of high-level metrics information for the Active Runs is implemented:

  • CP_AutomaticActions - this auxiliary label is shown when node's CPU consumption is lower than a certain level, defined by the admin. This label should attract the users attention cause such run may produce extra costs.
  • CP_AutomaticActions - this auxiliary label is shown when node's Memory/Disk consumption is higher than a certain level, defined by the admin. This label should attract the users attention cause such run may accidentally fail.
  • CP_AutomaticActions - this auxiliary label is shown when node's network consuming is higher than a certain level, defined by the admin. This label should attract the users attention cause such run may lead to network failures.

These labels are displayed:

  • at the Runs page
  • at the Run logs page
  • at the main dashboard (the ACTIVE RUNS panel)

By click that label, the Cluster node Monitor will be opened to view the current node consumption.

Admins can configure the emergence of these labels and system actions by the system-level parameters or Cloud Pipeline API.

"Idle" runs

The system behavior for the "idle" runs is defined by the set of the following System-level parameters (Preferences):

Preference name Description
system.max.idle.timeout.minutes Specifies the duration in minutes after that the system should check node's activity.
If after this duration node's CPU utilization will be below system.idle.cpu.threshold - email notification IDLE_RUN will be sent to the user and the run itself will be marked by the CP_AutomaticActions label
system.idle.action.timeout.minutes Specifies the duration in minutes.
If node's CPU utilization is below system.idle.cpu.threshold for this duration after the system.max.idle.timeout.minutes is over - an action, specified in system.idle.action will be performed
system.idle.cpu.threshold Specifies percentage of the node's CPU utilization, below which an action shall be taken
system.idle.action Sets which action to perform with the node, that has the CPU utilization below than system.idle.cpu.threshold:
  • NOTIFY - only send email notification IDLE_RUN. Action is being repeated every system.idle.action.timeout.minutes if the node's CPU utilization will be still below than system.idle.cpu.threshold
  • PAUSE - pause an instance if possible (only if the instance is On-Demand, Spot instances are skipped) and send single email notification IDLE_RUN_PAUSED
  • PAUSE_OR_STOP - pause an instance if it is On-Demand or stop an instance if it is Spot and send the corresponding single email notification IDLE_RUN_PAUSED/IDLE_RUN_STOPPED
  • STOP - Stop an instance, disregarding price-type, and send single email notification IDLE_RUN_STOPPED
system.resource.monitoring.period Specifies period (in milliseconds) between the scannings of running instances to collect the monitoring metrics.
After each such period, it's defined to display CP_AutomaticActions label for the specific instance or not

Example of these settings:


In general, the behavior will be the following:

  1. User launches a run
  2. After system.max.idle.timeout.minutes period, the system starts to check the node's activity.
  3. If the node's CPU utilization becomes below system.idle.cpu.threshold: email notification IDLE_RUN is being sent, the run itself is being marked by the CP_AutomaticActions label
  4. After system.idle.action.timeout.minutes, if the node's CPU utilization is still below system.idle.cpu.threshold:
    • email notification IDLE_RUN is being sent (in case when system.idle.action is set as NOTIFY)
    • run is being paused/stopped and the corresponding email notification IDLE_RUN_PAUSED or IDLE_RUN_STOPPED is being sent (in case when system.idle.action is set as PAUSE/PAUSE_OR_STOP/STOP)
  5. In case when system.idle.action is set as NOTIFY, email notifications IDLE_RUN continue to be sent every system.idle.action.timeout.minutes, if the node's CPU utilization remains below the system.idle.cpu.threshold
  6. The state of the CP_AutomaticActions label (to display or not) is checked every system.resource.monitoring.period
  7. The settings of the email notifications (message, the list of informed users, etc.) the admin can configure via the corresponding tab Email notifications of the system-level settings:

Note: users can manually disable the automatic pausing of on-demand instances if they aren't used. For that the "Auto pause" checkbox at the Launch page shall be unchecked before the run:

This action cancels only the auto pause, but the RUN_IDLE email notifications will be being sent (if the corresponding conditions will be met).

"Pressure" runs

The system behavior for the runs "under pressure" (high-consumed) is defined by the set of the following System-level parameters (Preferences):

Preference name Description
system.disk.consume.threshold Specifies the node's disk threshold (in %) above which the email notification HIGH_CONSUMED_RESOURCES will be sent and the corresponding run will be marked by the CP_AutomaticActions label
system.memory.consume.threshold Specifies the node's memory threshold (in %) above which the email notification HIGH_CONSUMED_RESOURCES will be sent and the corresponding run will be marked by the CP_AutomaticActions label

Example of these settings:

So, when memory or disk consuming will be higher than a threshold value for a specified period of time (in average) - a notification will be sent (and resent after a delay, if the problem is still in place. The default repeat delay is 30 minutes, it could be configured before the stand deployment).

Preferences of the notification could be configured at the HIGH_CONSUMED_RESOURCES section of the Email notifications of the system-level settings:

"Network pressure" runs

The system behavior for the "network pressure" runs is defined by the set of the following System-level parameters (Preferences):

Preference name Description
system.pod.bandwidth.limit Defines the network bandwidth limit (in bytes/sec). Default value is 0 - this means there is no limit.
system.max.pod.bandwidth.minutes Specifies the duration in minutes after which the system will check pod's network consuming in case when system.pod.bandwidth.limit > 0.
If after this duration pod's network consuming is still higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit - email notification HIGH_CONSUMED_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH will be sent to the user
and the run itself will be marked by the CP_AutomaticActions label.
system.pod.bandwidth.action.backoff.period Specifies the duration in minutes.
If pod's network consuming is higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit for this duration of time after the system.max.pod.bandwidth.minutes is over - an action,
specified in system.pod.bandwidth.action will be performed.
system.pod.bandwidth.action Sets which action to perform with the pod, that has the network consuming higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit.
Currently, possible actions:
  • NOTIFY - sends the email notification HIGH_CONSUMED_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH.
    This action will be repeated every system.pod.bandwidth.action.backoff.period if the network consuming will be still higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit
  • LIMIT_BANDWIDTH (not applicable yet) - limits pod's bandwidth
system.pod.bandwidth.monitor.delay Specifies period (in milliseconds) between the scannings of running pods to collect the monitoring metrics.
After each such period, it's defined to display CP_AutomaticActions label for the specific instance or not Specifies the duration in seconds.
Till this duration platform will try to perform the limit network bandwidth command in case when admin sets the network limit boundary manually via API - see details below.

Example of these settings:


In general, the behavior will be the following:

  1. User launches a run
  2. If system.pod.bandwidth.limit > 0, then after system.max.pod.bandwidth.minutes period, the system starts to check pod's network consuming.
  3. If the pod's network consuming is higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit:
    • email notification HIGH_CONSUMED_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH is being sent
    • the run itself is being marked by the CP_AutomaticActions label
  4. After system.pod.bandwidth.action.backoff.period, if the pod's network consuming is still higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit and system.pod.bandwidth.action is set as NOTIFY, email notification HIGH_CONSUMED_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH is being sent again.
  5. Email notifications HIGH_CONSUMED_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH continue to be sent every system.pod.bandwidth.action.backoff.period, if the pod's network consuming remains higher than system.pod.bandwidth.limit.
  6. The state of the CP_AutomaticActions label (to display or not) is checked every system.pod.bandwidth.monitor.delay.
  7. The settings of the email notifications (message, the list of informed users, etc.) can be configured by admins via the corresponding tab Email notifications of the system-level settings:

Limit pod's network bandwidth

Admins can restrict specific pod's bandwidth to avoid high network consuming - through Cloud Pipeline API.
Currently, setting of the restriction through GUI is not supported.

API method to set a bandwidth limit: POST /run/{runId}/network/limit?enable=<boolean>&boundary=<int>.

  • {runId} - run ID
  • enable=<boolean> - option that enables/disables a bandwidth limit for a specific pod
  • boundary=<int> - option that sets a size of bandwidth boundary limit in bytes/sec

This method sets a special tag for a run based on specified boundary limit: NETWORK_LIMIT: <boundary>. Setting of such tag initializes bandwidth limitation process.
Only admins are able to call this method.

General journey of pod's bandwidth limitation looks like:

  1. Admin sets the bandwidth boundary limit for a run via API method POST /run/{runId}/network/limit, specifying:
    • run ID
    • enable option as true
    • bandwidth boundary limit as integer value
  2. In case of successful method call, after approximately the system.pod.bandwidth.monitor.delay period of time:
    • at the run logs page, the warning message appears with the bandwidth limit and datetime when this limit will be applied to the the pod
    • in run logs, the task LimitNetworkBandwidth appears. This task contains logs of the bandwidth limit applying
      Note: in case when server can't perform bandwidth boundary limitation commands from the first time, it will retry to perform commands until period is over.
  3. From the time moment, displayed in the warning message of bandwidth limit at the run logs page, pod bandwidth will be limited. It can be observed via the instance monitoring:
    In the example above, the same large file was downloaded twice:
    • First time (see area 1) - without any bandwidth limitations.
    • Second time (see area 2) - with the bandwidth limitation that was set at the first step (1000000 bytes/sec).
  4. Also, at the main Dashboard (Active Runs section) and at the Runs page, additional label will appear for a run - NETWORK_LIMIT, e.g.:
  5. To remove a bandwidth boundary limit for a pod, call API method POST /run/{runId}/network/limit with enable option as false:
  6. After the removing a bandwidth boundary limit:
    • label CP_AutomaticActions will disappear from the main Dashboard (Active Runs section) and from the Runs page
    • at the run logs page, the warning message about the bandwidth limit will disappear
    • in the run logs (task LimitNetworkBandwidth), corresponding log will appear CP_AutomaticActions