Cloud-pipeline based on AWS EKS Deployment step-by-step guide


This document provides a guidance how to deploy infrastructure using terraform and install Cloud-Pipeline on top of it. The process of the deployment can be performed with the following steps:

This guide assumes that you store your terraform root modules in a private git repository and able to clone it from remote instance.

Resources deployment using Terraform

To get started with deployment, please make sure that you satisfy requirements below.


  1. AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot service role

AWS Service role AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot need to be created upfront. For more information, please, read:

  1. Terraform version
Name Version
terraform = 1.5.0

To install terraform 1.50 on Linux amd64 type of OS you can run commands:

    sudo wget
    sudo unzip 
    chmod +x terraform
    sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
    sudo rm

To install terraform to other operating system please follow the links

  1. Manually create S3 Bucket to store remote state of the terraform deployment. To create S3 bucket you can use AWS Console or aws cli commands:

a. If region us-east-1 aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <s3-bucket-for-terraform-state-name-example>

b. If another region aws s3api create-bucket --region <your deploy aws region> --bucket <s3-bucket-for-terraform-state-name-example> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<your deploy aws region>

  1. Manually create DynamoDB table to store terraform lock records.
    • Table schema: LockID (String) - Partition key

To create DynamoDB table you can use AWS Console or aws cli command:

aws dynamodb create-table --table-name <dynamobd-table-to-store-terraform-lock-name-example> --attribute-definitions AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 --region <your deploy aws region>

The following resources are dependencies and should be created in advance: * VPC in your AWS account * Private subnets (where all infrastructure will be created: EKS cluster, RDS instance, FS, etc.) * Mechanism to have inbound access to the VPC (IGW, transit gateway, VPN from corporate network etc.)

  1. AWS Elastic IP allocation or CIDR reservation.

    • Create AWS Elastic IP allocation to provide this value further during Cloud-Pipeline installation. This value will be used to deploy AWS ELB in your account to route the traffic from users to Cloud-Pipeline services This EIP also should be used to request DNS records creation from you DNS provider.

    • In case of internal deployment (when there is no external traffic to the service) use subnet CIDR reservation, to reserve one internal IP address (should be /32 CIDR block). This value will be used to deploy AWS ELB in your account to route the traffic from users to Cloud-Pipeline services This IP also should be used to request DNS records creation from you DNS provider.

The following scheme of the records is proposed:

  1. DNS records
DNS record Record type Value
. A < EIP value >
edge.. CNAME .
docker.. CNAME .
git.. CNAME .

Jump-server deployment

To deploy required resources in your environment with terraform, please follow these steps:

  1. In the Git repo where you would like to store you terraform code: create directory named, for example, jump-server and place Terraform files there: and

Templates of the deployment Jump-server files:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket         = "xxxxxxxxxxxx-infra"
    key            = "xxxxxx-jumpbox/terraform.tfstate"
    region         = "<region>"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "xxxxxxxxxxxx-infra"
  required_version = "1.5.0"

provider "aws" {
  region = "<region>"

module jump-server {
  source                            = "git::<branch-tag-or-commit>"
  deployment_name                   = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  deployment_env                    = "xxxxxxx"
  vpc_id                            = "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  subnet_id                         = "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  iam_role_permissions_boundary_arn = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:policy/eo_role_boundary"

output "instance_connection" {
  value = module.jump-server.output_message

output "instance_id" {
  value = module.jump-server.jump_sever_id

output "instance_role" {
  value = module.jump-server.jump_server_role

Change xxxxxxxxxxxx to values that described is list of the variables:

Name Description
bucket Name of the created S3 bucket to store terraform state file. See the prerequisites
dynamodb_table Name of the created DynamoDB table for terraform. See the prerequisites
deployment_name Name of the deployment. Will be used as resource name prefix of the created resources (security groups, iam roles etc.)
deployment_env Environment name for the deployment. Will be used as resource name prefix of the created resources (security groups, IAM roles etc.)
vpc_id Id of the VCP to be used for deployment of the bastion instance.
subnet_id Id of the VCP subnet to be used to launch an instance
ami_id (Optional) AMI to be used for bastion ec2 instance. If empty - eks-optimized will be used.
iam_role_permissions_boundary_arn (Optional) Account specific role boundaries which will be applied during jump-server instance profile creation
  1. Push created configuration in to your git repository.
  2. From jump-server directory run terraform initcommand, output of command must be like this:
Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.
  1. After successful output of the terraform init command run terraform apply and when it shows list of the planned for creation resources submit with yes.

Example of the apply output:

Apply complete! Resources: .....
instance_connection = "Login to Jump Server with command: aws ssm start-session --target i-xxxxxxxxxxx --region <region>"
instance_id = "i-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
instance_role = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxxx_BastionExecutionRole"

Outputs table of jump-server module

Name Description
instance_connection Id of created Jump Server instance.
instance_id Login to Jump Server with command: aws ssm start-session --target ${} --region ${}.
instance_role ARN of bastion execution role that must be set in EKS deployment module

User can call terraform output again by run command:

   terraform output <output name from table above>

Note: In most cases this command will only show output after resources were deployed with terraform apply command.

Cluster-infrastructure deployment

  1. In the Git repo where you would like to store you terraform code: create directory named, for example, cluster-infrastructure and place your Terraform files:, and if you would like to deploy cloud-pipeline databases configuration -

Template of the cluster-infrastructure files deployment:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket         = "xxxxxxxxxxxx-infra"
    key            = "eks/terraform.tfstate"
    region         = "<region>"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "xxxxxxxxxxxx-infra"
  required_version = "1.5.0"

provider "aws" {
  region = "<region>"

provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = module.cluster-infra.cluster_endpoint
  cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.cluster-infra.cluster_certificate_authority_data)

  exec {
    api_version = ""
    command = "aws"
    # This requires the awscli to be installed locally where Terraform is executed
    args        = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", module.cluster-infra.cluster_name]

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host                   = module.cluster-infra.cluster_endpoint
    cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.cluster-infra.cluster_certificate_authority_data)

    exec {
      api_version = ""
      command = "aws"
      # This requires the awscli to be installed locally where Terraform is executed
      args        = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", module.cluster-infra.cluster_name]

provider "postgresql" {
  host      = module.cluster-infra.rds_address
  port      = module.cluster-infra.rds_port
  username  = module.cluster-infra.rds_root_username
  password  = module.cluster-infra.rds_root_pass_secret
  superuser = false

module "cluster-infra" {
  source                             = "git::<branch-tag-or-commit>"
  deployment_name                    = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  deployment_env                     = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  vpc_id                             = "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  external_access_security_group_ids = ["xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
  subnet_ids                         = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
  iam_role_permissions_boundary_arn  = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:policy/eo_role_boundary"
  eks_system_node_group_subnet_ids   = ["subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
  deploy_filesystem_type             = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_deployment_id                   = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_edge_elb_schema                 = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_edge_elb_subnet                 = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_edge_elb_ip                     = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_api_srv_host                    = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_idp_host                        = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_docker_host                     = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_edge_host                       = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  cp_gitlab_host                     = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  eks_additional_role_mapping        = [
      iam_role_arn  = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxx-BastionExecutionRole"
      eks_role_name = "system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}"
      eks_groups    = ["system:bootstrappers", "system:nodes"]
} (if Cloud-Pipepline database configuration should be deployed):

terraform {
  required_providers {
    postgresql = {
      source  = "cyrilgdn/postgresql"
      version = "1.22.0"

output "filesystem_mount" {
  value = module.cluster-infra.cp_filesystem_mount_point

output "filesystem_type" {
  value = module.cluster-infra.deploy_filesystem_type

output "cp_pipectl_script" {
  value = module.cluster-infra.cp_deploy_script

output "cp_cloud_network_config" {
  value = module.cluster-infra.cp_cloud_network_config

To configure cluster-infrastructure deployment, there is a list of variables that need to be specified:

Name Description
deployment_name Name of the deployment. Will be used as resource name prefix of the created resources (security groups, IAM roles etc.)
deployment_env Environment name for the deployment. Will be used as resource name prefix of the created resources (security groups, IAM roles etc.)
vpc_id Id of the VCP to be used for deployment of the infrastructure.
subnet_ids Ids of the VCP subnets to be used for Cloud Pipeline EKS cluster, FS mount points, etc.
eks_system_node_group_subnet_ids Ids of the VCP subnets to be used for EKS cluster Cloud Pipeline system node group.
eks_additional_role_mapping List of additional roles mapping for aws_auth map.
cp_edge_elb_schema (Required) Type of the AWS ELB to provide access to the users to the system. Possible values 'internal', 'internet-facing'. Default 'internet-facing'.
cp_edge_elb_subnet (Required) The ID of the public subnet for the Load Balancer to be created. Must be in the same Availability Zone (AZ) as the CPSystemSubnetId
cp_edge_elb_ip (Required) Allocation ID of the Elastic IP from prerequisites in case of internet-facing ELB, or private IP in case of internal ELB.
cp_api_srv_host (Required) API service domain name address.
cp_docker_host (Required) Docker service domain name address.
cp_edge_host (Required) EDGE service domain name address.
cp_gitlab_host (Required) GITLAB service domain name address.
cp_idp_host (Optional) Self hosted IDP service domain name address. WARNING: Using self hosted IDP service in production environment strongly not recommended!
external_access_security_group_ids (Optional) Ids of the SGs to be attached to the ELB to allow traffic from users to the platform. Created as prerequisites by administrator who is deploying the system, with regard to organisational network policies and best practices.
deploy_filesystem_type (Optional) Option to create EFS or FSx Lustre filesystem: must be set efs or fsx. If empty, no FS will be created. Default efs.
cloud_pipeline_db_configuration (Optional) Username with password and database, which will be created. Username will be owner of the database. Additional settings with Postgresql provider and file must be set. For example see of the cluster deployment
iam_role_permissions_boundary_arn (Optional) Account specific role boundaries which will be applied during jump-server instance profile creation
deploy_rds (Optional) You can disable deployment of the RDS instance by setting deploy_rds = false. In this case no db configuration will be created regardless the value of create_cloud_pipeline_db_configuration
create_cloud_pipeline_db_configuration (Optional) You can disable creation of the cloud-pipeline database configuration by setting to false
cp_deployment_id (Optional) Specify unique ID of the Cloud-Pipeline deployment. It will be used to name cloud entities (e.g. path within a docker registry object container).Must contain only letters, digits, underscore or dash
  1. Push created configuration in to your git repository.
  2. Install aws ssm manager:
  3. Connect to created jump-server instance using command like:
aws ssm start-session --target i-xxxxxxxxxxxxx --region <region>

Where xxxxxxxx is your jump-server instance ID that could be found(also with full command) from output of the terraform apply jump-server deployment.

  1. Clone from your git repository pushed previously configuration.
  2. From cluster-infrastructure directory run terraform initcommand, output of command must be like this:
Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.
  1. After successful output of the init command run terraform apply and when it shows list of the planned for creation resources submit with yes.

The output can be different depending on terraform options like cp_idp_host or enable_aws_omics_integration.

Example of the apply output:

Apply complete! Resources: .....


cp_pipectl_script = <<EOT
./pipectl install \
-dt aws-native \
-jc \
-env CP_MAIN_SERVICE_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCPExecutionRole" \
-env CP_CSI_DRIVER_TYPE="efs" \
-env CP_SYSTEM_FILESYSTEM_ID="fs-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_CSI_EXECUTION_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-ExecutionRole" \
-env CP_AWS_KMS_ARN="arn:aws:kms:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:key/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_PREF_CLUSTER_SSH_KEY_NAME="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_PREF_STORAGE_TEMP_CREDENTIALS_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxS3viaSTSRole" \
-env CP_CLUSTER_SSH_KEY="/opt/root/ssh/ssh-key.pem" \
-env CP_DOCKER_STORAGE_CONTAINER="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-docker" \
-env CP_DEPLOYMENT_ID="<users deployment id>" \
-env CP_PREF_UI_PIPELINE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME="<users deployment name>" \
-env CP_CLOUD_REGION_ID="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_KUBE_CLUSTER_NAME="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-eks-cluster" \
-env CP_KUBE_SERVICES_TYPE="ingress" \
--external-host-dns \
-env PSG_HOST="" \
-env PSG_PASS="pipeline" \
-env PSG_CONNECT_PARAMS="?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory" \
-s cp-api-srv \
-env CP_API_SRV_EXTERNAL_HOST="<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_API_SRV_INTERNAL_HOST="<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_API_SRV_IDP_CERT_PATH="/opt/idp/pki" \
-env CP_PREF_UI_PIPELINE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME="<users deployment name>" \
-env CP_PREF_STORAGE_SYSTEM_STORAGE_NAME="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_API_SRV_SSO_BINDING="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" \
-env CP_HA_DEPLOY_ENABLED="true" \
-s cp-docker-registry \
-env CP_DOCKER_EXTERNAL_HOST="docker.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_DOCKER_INTERNAL_HOST="docker.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_DOCKER_STORAGE_ROOT_DIR="/docker-pub/" \
-s cp-edge \
-env CP_EDGE_EXTERNAL_HOST="edge.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_EDGE_INTERNAL_HOST="edge.<user-domain-name>" \
-s cp-clair \
-s cp-docker-comp \
-env CP_DOCKER_COMP_WORKING_DIR="/cloud-pipeline/docker-comp/wd" \
-s cp-search \
-s cp-heapster \
-s cp-dav \
-env CP_DAV_AUTH_URL_PATH="webdav/auth-sso" \
-env CP_DAV_MOUNT_POINT="/dav-mount" \
-env CP_DAV_SERVE_DIR="/dav-serve" \
-env CP_DAV_URL_PATH="webdav" \
-s cp-gitlab-db \
-s cp-git \
-env CP_GITLAB_EXTERNAL_HOST="git.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_GITLAB_INTERNAL_HOST="git.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_GITLAB_EXTERNAL_URL="https://git.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_GITLAB_IDP_CERT_PATH="/opt/idp/pki" \
-s cp-git-sync \
-s cp-billing-srv \
-env CP_BILLING_CENTER_KEY="billing-group" \
-s cp-idp \
-env CP_IDP_EXTERNAL_HOST="auth.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_IDP_INTERNAL_HOST="auth.<user-domain-name>" \
-env CP_PREF_AWS_OMICS_SERVICE_ROLE=arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOmicsServiceRole \
-env \
-env CP_EDGE_AWS_ELB_SCHEME="internet-facing" \
-env CP_EDGE_AWS_ELB_SUBNETS="subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_EDGE_AWS_ELB_SG=",sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-env CP_EDGE_AWS_ELB_EIPALLOCS="eipalloc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \

filesystem_mount = ""
filesystem_type = "efs"

Outputs table of cluster-infrastructure module

Name Description

| filesystem_mount | Filesystem mount endpoint that can be used to mount ElasticFileSystem in EC2 JumpServer | | filesystem_type | Type of the created internet file system | | cp_pipectl_script | Example of the pipeline install script with all necessary values from infrastructure deployment |

User can call terraform output again by run command:

   terraform output <output name from table above>

Note: You should deploy infrastructure first, to see output values.

Cloud-pipeline deployment

  1. Download latest pipectl binary file.
  2. Mount created file system into instance.

    • For EFS run commands ( fs_mount=$(terraform output -raw filesystem_mount) sudo yum install amazon-efs-utils -y sudo mount -t efs -o tls $fs_mount /opt

    • For FSx for Lustre ( fs_mount=$(terraform output -raw filesystem_mount) sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y lustre sudo mount -t lustre -o relatime,flock $fs_mount /opt

  3. Create ssh key from cluster-infrastructure deployment:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/root/ssh

terraform show -json | jq -r ".values.root_module.child_modules[].resources[] |  select(.address==\"$(terraform state list | grep ssh_tls_key)\") |.values.private_key_pem" > /opt/root/ssh/ssh-key.pem
  1. Create cluster.networks.config.json from cluster-infrastructure deployment:
terraform output -raw cp_cloud_network_config > cluster.networks.config.json 
export CP_CLUSTER_NETWORKS_CONFIG_JSON=$(realpath cluster.networks.config.json)
  1. Take script from the cluster-infrastructure deployment output and run it by using bash commands. For example:

wget -c $CP_PIPECTL_URL -O pipectl && chmod +x pipectl

terraform output -raw cp_pipectl_script | envsubst > "" && chmod +x 

nohup ./ &> pipectl.log &
  1. Wait until deployment finishes (you can watch for the progress with pipectl.log file).
  2. Your Cloud-Pipeline environment should be available on the provided DNS name provided during deployment (cp_api_srv_host).