Cloud Pipeline installation prerequisites

Cloud Provider specific configuration

A number of the resources shall be created/configured in the underlying Cloud Provider.

Please refer to the corresponding section for the details:

Domain names

The following DNS entries are considered to access the Cloud Pipeline GUI and route the requests to the other services.

  • Cloud Pipeline GUI/API
    • Record type: A
    • Record value: <Cloud Pipeline Core Instance IP>
    • Example:
  • Embedded git access for the "well-established" pipelines
    • Record type: CNAME
    • Record value: <Cloud Pipeline GUI/API>
    • Example:
  • Access to the docker registry for pull/push operation
    • Record type: CNAME
    • Record value: <Cloud Pipeline GUI/API>
    • Example:
  • Access to the "interactive" services, controlled by the Cloud Pipeline
    • Record type: CNAME
    • Record value: <Cloud Pipeline GUI/API>
    • Example:

SSL/TLS certificates

SSL/TLS certificate shall be issued using an available CA (shall be trusted by the users' workstations) or purchased from the external CA.

SAML/SSO configuration

The following IdP configuration is required:

  • Cloud Pipeline GUI
    • Service Provider URL: https://<Cloud Pipeline GUI/API>/pipeline
    • Service Provider ACS URL: https://<Cloud Pipeline GUI/API>/pipeline/saml
    • SAML Binding: HTTP Redirect
    • Assertion information:
      • NameID
      • Email
      • FirstName
      • LastName
  • Cloud Pipeline Git
    • Service Provider URL: https://<Embedded git>
    • Service Provider ACS URL: https://<Embedded git>/users/auth/saml/callback
    • SAML Binding: HTTP POST
    • Assertion information:
      • NameID
      • Email
      • FirstName
      • LastName